Are you a holistic health practitioner looking to grow your practice and connect with an amazing community?
By offering mini sessions at the Holistic Health Saloon, you can:
✔️ Showcase your work to a beautiful and welcoming community interested in holistic health
✔️ Meet new potential clients to grow your practice, gain exposure and have the word spread about your work
✔️ Network with other holistic health practitioners and the greater community so that you can create cross-referral opportunities and grow your own referral network
✔️ Be part of a magical day and soak in the healing energy!
Apply to be a practitioner or a vendor at our next event!
What Past Practitioners are Saying:
Thatcher Hayward, CA Neuromuscular Therapy
“I started attending the Holistic Health Saloon as an experienced practitioner new to SF. I was taken by the spirit and warmth and coming together of such skilled and varied healers. Participation in the Holistic Health Saloon has helped me to hone the presentation of my practice in an easy an open environment. I have brought many new clients to my practice (more than any other health fair) through participation in the Saloon and equally important I have plugged into the rich and vibrant healing community here in SF.
Polina is one of those special people who fosters community wherever she goes. Thanks to her and all of the others dedicated to making the Health salon what it is.”
Dan Naz
Massage Therapy
“One trait of an exceptional healer is a relationship with community. Working with the Holistic Health Saloon has connected me with an amazing array of clients and colleagues and friends—and now my practice feels more alive and multi-dimensional.”
Jak Noble
Touching Chi
The “Taoist I Ching” coins a phrase:
“To get you must first give; to lead you must first follow.”
Word of mouth referrals are the true backbone of any successful practice. Any opportunity for a practitioner to exhibit his or her talents and skills in a one-on-one situation is priceless. If you spent your entire advertising budget on a billboard, would any one know the real you?
Practitioners, please consider this carefully: If you were to attempt to produce an event that offers healing to your community, rent a venue, promote it to all of your known friends and spend all the time required to accomplish this task, would you still have time for your own private practice?
When the opportunity to heal those who could not otherwise afford to receive your services arises, consider it the chance to truly show your wares, up close and personal, with clients. These clients will in turn refer you to the people who need what you bring. There is no better way to align yourself with your potential (and potential clients) than to be who you are. I have received many referrals and gained valuable practice skills by being a part of the community that Polina has created. The exposure platform is an ideal vehicle for the delivery of our work. So, if you find yourself vacillating between the cost of a movie and dinner or participating in an event, just think of it as an investment in yourself that instantly reaches others. Build it and they will come.
Another I Ching Quote:
“Think of it as planting seeds, not gathering crops.”