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Wild Woman Circle: Full Moon & Solstice Ceremony

Our love, when lived, can be a pathway to freedom.

  • Join us for a Full Moon and Solstice Ceremony, as we use the light of our hearts to illuminate the path to liberation and freedom. This is a great time to let go of what’s no longer working for us. Let go of worries, unwanted habits and toxic people so that you can heal and move forward. The Full Moon’s brightness offers us hope and light to guide our path forward.

    This past year has been tremendously transformational for me, as I dove deep into my shadows and grief. There were moments that felt dark and often unbearable, as I traveled the road back home to myself. As I reflect on when I decided to put a stake in the ground last year on the Winter Solstice, to stand behind myself and stop settling for crumbs, what got me through it all was love. Love for myself, love from my family and community, love from my ancestors, love from Mother Earth, love from the plants, love from the animals, and love from the Divine.

    My passion and love for being of service to my human family, as well as our beloved Mother Earth and all of her creatures, has also been an immense driving force in supporting me to face the dark places within myself with love.

    “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman

    Our love, when lived, can be a pathway to freedom. Freedom from isolation. Freedom from oppression. For love is a great liberator. In ceremony, we will aim to expand our capacity to love by letting the light of our hearts guide us.

  • In Circle, you will gather with other women for guided meditation, journaling, and singing to support you to:

    • Ground and center into your body

    • Reset and rejuvenate

    • Tune into your intuition

    • Connect with the Divine Feminine for higher wisdom

    • Release what no longer serves you

    The Full Moon is a great time to let go of what’s no longer working for us. Let go of worries, unwanted habits/behaviors, and toxic people so that you can heal and move forward without these things holding you back. The Full Moon’s brightness offers us hope and white celestial light to guide our path forward.

    When women gather together in sacred space to support each other on their journey, in their fears, hopes and dreams, the power to love ourselves fully, is magnified by energetically creating a web of support for women in circle and women everywhere. We are healed, we are nurtured and we feel comforted and understood.

    No experience is required to attend this circle. This is a safe space to be witnessed, to be in community with other women and to simply be. You are welcome to join as you are, to seek the comfort of Sisterhood and the wisdom that comes through the circle.

  • A candle (in glass), journal, pen, flowers or sacred objects for the altar and anything that helps you feel cozy.

    ***Kindly plan to remain for the duration of the circle to honor space being held for all sisters and closing space together. ***

December 5

Wild Woman Circle: “The Fire In My Eyes”

January 18

Wild Woman Circle: “Watching the Moon”