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Wild Woman Circle: “Turbulence”

  • The Center SF 548 Fillmore Street San Francisco, CA, 94117 United States (map)

Join us in circle as we face the reality of turbulence in the human experience.

  • This New Moon we will continue on the Path of the Poets by sitting in circle with guidance from another great female poet and elder, Adrienne Rich.

    “We may feel bitterly how little our poems can do in the face of seemingly out of control technological power and seemingly limitless corporate greed, yet it has always been true that poetry can break isolation, show us to ourselves when we are outlawed or made invisible, remind us of beauty where no beauty seems possible, remind us (of) kinship where all is represented as separation.” - Adrienne Rich

    Collectively for the past 2.5 years we have been living in a state of perpetual turbulence. Join us in circle as we face the reality of turbulence in the human experience.

    You are not alone in this process of ever changing circumstances and surrendering to the unknown.

  • This New Moon, we will gather with other women for guided meditation, journaling and intention setting to support you to:

    • Ground and center into your body

    • Reset and rejuvenate

    • Tune into your intuition

    • Connect with the Divine Feminine for higher wisdom

    • Release what no longer serves you

    This circle is an inclusive coming together of women from all paths and various spiritual/cultural backgrounds. We gather around ideas of Sisterhood, a respect for Mother Earth and co-creation.

  • A candle (in glass holder), journal, pen, flowers or sacred objects for the altar and anything that helps you feel cozy.

    ***Kindly arrive on time to settle in and plan to remain for the duration of the circle to honor space being held for all sisters and closing of the circle together. ***

May 22

Reiki Infused Gong Bath Activation

June 18

Reiki Infused Gong Bath Activation