Be the Light you wish to see in the world. Let's heal each other, our communities and our Beloved Mother Earth together.
Come join us as we create a more centered space to live in.
Join Virpal Sidhu and other Reiki practitioners for a weekly Reiki share. We will start with a guided meditation to ground our energy, and then share Universal Life Energy, positivity and light with one another. The circle will close with sharing of gratitude. This is a beautiful space to be in community with like minded individuals, to raise your vibration, experience healing and light.
All certified Reiki practitioners Level 1 and up who are interested in practicing Reiki and continuing to keep their connection to Source Energy alive are welcome to this circle. Additional modalities of healing such as oracle cards, tuning forks, singing bowls, drums and rattles are welcome.
This circle is for Reiki Practitioners ONLY. Kindly email your highest Reiki certification to prior to the circle.