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Reiki I: Introduction to Reiki

  • San Francisco, CA (map)

Are you ready to take your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being into your own hands?

Learn to heal yourself with the beautiful, loving energy of Reiki!

  • Reiki is the safest energy healing modality that connects you to universal life force energy, which allows you to balance the mind, body and spirit. Personally, Reiki has played an integral part in my healing journey and was the stepping stone to my spiritual awakening.

    Benefits of Reiki:

    • The body self heals when energy flows freely

    • Calms the heart and mind to connect you to inner peace

    • Deepens your connection to your higher self, intuition and sense of purpose

    Benefits of learning Reiki:

    • Anyone can learn, no prior experience necessary for level I

    • Amplify your body's ability to self heal with daily self-Reiki

    • Natural, safe and easy (you just need your hands)

    • Increases clarity, intuition, confidence and self-love

    • Increases compassion for self and others

    • Grounds and balances your energy

    • Promotes self-development and growth on all levels

    • Allows you to give back to your family, friends, animals, plants and Mother Earth

  • Connect with the universal flow of energy to bring balance and well-being to yourself and others.

    In Reiki I you’ll learn:

    • The basic fundamentals of Reiki — what is it and how does it work?

    • The history of Reiki

    • How to do Reiki on yourself and others

    • Brief introduction to Reiki II and Reiki Master III

    You’ll walk away from this class a certified Reiki practitioner, able to practice Reiki on yourself and others with confidence. Our Reiki classes are in person in San Francisco, and are 1-2 days depending on class size.

  • Bring a notebook and something to write with to take notes. Be prepared with any questions you may have.

    Bring a water bottle, lunch, nourishing snacks and anything you need to stay cozy.

October 24

Wild Woman Circle: “Streams of Longing”

November 20

Reiki Infused Gong Bath Activation