Sound Healing

Herbal Teas


Essential Oils


Client Recommendations

Below are tools and resources you can reference to support balancing of your chakras. Listen to what aligns with you intuitively. Sometimes one tool may work better than another, and sometimes you may feel called to change what is supporting you when it’s no longer in alignment. Take what works and leave the rest.

Sound Healing

Healing Affirmations

(more power in saying them out loud)

  • Root Chakra

    • I am safe and grounded.

    • I feel protected in this world.

    • I am supported by mother earth.

    • I am deeply rooted.

    • I am connected to my body.

    • I release all my doubts and fears.

  • Sacral Chakra

    • I am alive, connected and aware.

    • I embrace pleasure & abundance.

    • I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully.

    • The sweetness of life flows through me and I radiate its joy.

  • Solar Plexus

    • I am confident in all that I do.

    • I stand up for myself.

    • I respect myself at all times.

    • I choose health, healing and happiness.

    • I act with courage and strength.

    • I deserve a wonderful life.

  • Heart Chakra

    • I am worthy of the purest love.

    • I live in harmony with all other beings.

    • I release and let go of all resentment.

    • I forgive myself for my mistakes and I grow from them.

    • I love myself unconditionally.

  • Throat Chakra

    • I speak up for myself.

    • I express myself with clarity and confidence.

    • When I speak, I do not back away from what is true.

    • I express my gratitude towards life.

  • Crown Chakra

    • I am a being of light and love.

    • I am divinely guided and inspired.

    • I am at one with the universe.

    • I live my life through my higher self.

    • I am enlightened.

  • Third Eye Chakra

    • I am insightful and intuitive

    • I see clearly and I think clearly

    • I am connected to my higher self

    • All that I need is within me

    • I quiet my mind with ease

    • I trust my decisions

    • I always follow and honor my intuition

    • I see Divine light in everyone

    • My spiritual vision is clear

    • It is safe for me to see the truth


If you are new to crystals, they are a wonderful way to help clear and maintain balance in your chakras. You can wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or bag, have them at your desk, have them around your home in particular areas based on the stone and usage, as well as keep them next to your bedside or under your pillow to support you while you sleep.

***Be sure to clear your crystals every so often, either with a sacred smoke (sage, palo santo, incense, moonlight, sunlight, etc) as the crystals will often absorb lower frequency energies from you and you do not want to reabsorb these. You can also clear them by placing them on a piece of selenite, which is another crystal. They often come in flat pieces.

  • Root Chakra

    Garnet, hematite, black obsidian, red jasper, bloodstone, carnelian, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, smoky quartz, black onyx, moss agate, red and green aventurine, lepidolite

  • Sacral Chakra

    Clear quartz, tiger’s Eye, carnelian, citrine, argonite, orange calcite, moonstone, rhodonite, snowflake obsidian, unakite, red jasper, amber, sunstone, chalcedony, peridot, yellow fluorite

  • Solar Plexus

    Citrine, pyrite, tiger’s eye, peridot, amber, yellow jasper, aragonite, sunstone, moonstone, golden labradorite

  • Heart Chakra

    Rose quartz, green aventurine, rhodonite, malachite, rhodochrosite, prehnite, amazonite, jade, green tourmaline, green calcite, moss agate, peridot

  • Throat Chakra

    Blue apatite, blue kyanite, blue sodalite, labradorite, selenite, clear quartz, aquamarine, opal, blue lace agate, amazonite, turquoise, blue calcite, lapis lazuli, blue chalcedony, amethyst

  • Third Eye Chakra

    Amethyst, black obsidian, labradorite, lepidolite, purple fluorite, iolite, azurite, lapis lazuli, moon stone or moldavite

  • Crown Chakra

    Clear quartz, selenite, labradorite, angelite, moonstone, clear calcite, lapis lazuli, white chalcedony, white agate (good for balancing energetic upgrades), howlite, amethyst, fluorite (use with clear quartz)

  • For Energetic Protection

    Obsidian, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, tiger’s eye, turquoise (protects you from unwanted spirits)

The Love of Ganesha is a great place in San Francisco in the Haight-Ashbury district, to buy all sorts of well priced crystals. I recommend going to the store and simply picking up stones. See which ones resonate with you intuitively, using the above list as a guide.

Herbal Teas

Root Chakra


Dandelion root, raspberry leaf, cloves, ashwagandha, hibiscus, nettle leaf, rose petals, hawthorn leaves and flowers, sage, ginger, elderflower, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cacao peel, burdock root, turmeric root, black & pink peppercorns.


Sacral Chakra


Calendula, hibiscus, burdock root, fennel seed, damiana leaf, ginger root, gardenia


Solar Plexus Chakra


Rosemary, fennel, cinnamon, milk thistle, ginger, turmeric, marshmallow root, mint, lemon balm, slippery elm, and goldenrod

Heart Chakra


Nettle, motherwort, tulsi, cacao, rose petals, hawthorn, yarrow, lavender, hyssop


Throat Chakra


Raspberry leaf, ashwagandha root, cloves, dandelion root, hibiscus flower, licorice root, marshmallow root, echinacea purpurea root, orange peel, cassia cinnamon bark, ginger root, fennel seeds


Third Eye Chakra


Lavender, gotu kola, gingko leaf, eyebright herb, spearmint leaf, star anise seed, passion flower, ashwagandha, tulsi

Crown Chakra


Lavender, peppermint, gotu kola, nutmeg seed, rose petals

Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco sells loose leaf tea which is my go to spot. You can mix the teas based on what you’re called to or buy a pre-made blend that includes them.

Essential Oils

  • Root Chakra

    Cedarwood, frankincense, black pepper, patchouli, spikenard, vetiver and sandalwood

  • Sacral Chakra

    Orange, ylang ylang, neroli, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, patchouli, tangerine, helichrysum, pink pepper seed

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    Sandalwood, myrrh, cedarwood, ylang ylang, lemongrass, helichrysum, lavender, black pepper, geranium, cypress, peppermint, mandarin, rosemary, vetiver

  • Heart Chakra

    Rose, geranium, spruce, rosewood, frankincense, neroli, sandalwood, ylang ylang

  • Throat Chakra

    Chamomile, cypress, peppermint, spearmint, frankincense, geranium, sage, eucalyptus

  • Third Eye Chakra

    Juniper, rosemary, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, frankincense, bay laurel, clary sage

  • Crown Chakra

    Cedarwood, frankincense, helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, myrrh, neroli, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, spikenard, vetiver

My dear Sister, Brittney Dodson, sells personalized, energy infused, flower essence remedies, blends and herbal supports like tinctures and medicinal herbal body oil, aura meditation sprays and dreamwork support: Dreamcraft Apothecary. She is truly magical and I highly recommend checking out her tinctures. Reach out to her to learn more about her offerings if you have questions.

Another dear Sister L. Leland is a beautiful herbalist whose focus is on an inclusive, heart-centered approach that empowers her clients. She works with herbs that support physical, mental, and spiritual health. You can read more about her here.

Mudras, also known as hand gestures, are an easy way during meditation to shift flow of energy or chi. There are lots, but here is a list of one for each chakra. You can also look up yoga poses for each chakra, in case you feel called to connect in a physical way. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of further support to you.